Osteochondroma at an Unusual Site - A Case Report

Mithilesh Anil Nikam, Nitin S Patil, Priyambada Kumar
2022 Acta Scientific Orthopaedics  
Osteochondromas are the most common type of benign bone tumours, which usually present as a solitary nonhereditary lesion along the shaft of long bones. Osteochondromas are generally asymptomatic and at most times, the only significant complain is of a painless slow-growing mass over the involved bone. The scalloping effect and increased localised pressure due to the tumour are hypothesised to be the main aetiology of the pain. These tumours should be evaluated to rule out any malignant changes
more » ... prior to surgical management. Complete surgical excision is the treatment of choice, so as to relieve pain caused by expanding nature of the tumour and prevent a pathological fracture through affected region.
doi:10.31080/asor.2022.05.0582 fatcat:rfnawrtitfc4tdc7klupperv2e