Intelligent nozzle design for the Laser Metal Deposition process in the Industry 4.0

J.I. Arrizubieta, J.E. Ruiz, S. Martinez, E. Ukar, A. Lamikiz
2017 Procedia Manufacturing  
Under the concept of "Industry 4.0", production processes will be pushed to be increasingly interconnected, information based on a real time basis and, necessarily, much more efficient. In this context, capacity optimization goes beyond the traditional aim of capacity maximization, contributing also for organization's profitability and value. Indeed, lean management and continuous improvement approaches suggest capacity optimization instead of maximization. The study of capacity optimization
more » ... costing models is an important research topic that deserves contributions from both the practical and theoretical perspectives. This paper presents and discusses a mathematical model for capacity management based on different costing models (ABC and TDABC). A generic model has been developed and it was used to analyze idle capacity and to design strategies towards the maximization of organization's value. The trade-off capacity maximization vs operational efficiency is highlighted and it is shown that capacity optimization might hide operational inefficiency. Abstract Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) is an AM (Additive Manufacturing) process that enables to build 3D geometries or enhance the surface properties of the base material by the generation of a coating. With the aim of integrating the AM inside the Industry 4.0 trend and improve the quality of the resulting parts, smart nozzles are required. Therefore, authors have developed an intelligent LMD nozzle by means of the integration of various sensing and control systems in a continuous coaxial LMD nozzle prototype. The nozzle is capable of regulating the laser power based on the temperature measurement of the melt pool. Moreover, it adjusts the powder flux that reaches the processing area according to an algorithm that ensures a constant powder income per surface unit area. Lastly, the nozzle evaluates the geometry of the deposited clad using an optical sensor. Abstract Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) is an AM (Additive Manufacturing) process that enables to build 3D geometries or enhance the surface properties of the base material by the generation of a coating. With the aim of integrating the AM inside the Industry 4.0 trend and improve the quality of the resulting parts, smart nozzles are required. Therefore, authors have developed an intelligent LMD nozzle by means of the integration of various sensing and control systems in a continuous coaxial LMD nozzle prototype. The nozzle is capable of regulating the laser power based on the temperature measurement of the melt pool. Moreover, it adjusts the powder flux that reaches the processing area according to an algorithm that ensures a constant powder income per surface unit area. Lastly, the nozzle evaluates the geometry of the deposited clad using an optical sensor.
doi:10.1016/j.promfg.2017.09.043 fatcat:5jv3kc5qb5aupa5dmhylq3ctei