Unilateral aberrant gonadal venous anatomy coexistent with a distinct intrarenal cleft

S Gandhi, M Sharma, R Pakhiddey, V Mehta, RK Suri, G Rath
2013 OA Anatomy  
Introduction Testicular vessels play a major role in thermoregulation of male reproductive organs, which is an essential aspect for their effective functioning. Testicular veins exhibit wide variations in their course, number and mode of termination. Case report A variation in the testicular vein was observed unilaterally in a 50year-old male cadaver during the course of a preclinical training program. Two testicular veins (medial and lateral) were present on the left side. Both medial and
more » ... al testicular veins were found draining into the left renal vein at right angles. The lateral testicular vein displayed bifurcation close to its termination into the left renal vein. The right testicular vein followed usual course and drainage. The left kidney also exhibited a distinct intrarenal cleft. Conclusion The testicular vein variations become significant during ligation of the abnormal venous dilatations and collaterals, thereby reducing the chances of recurrence of varicocele which is a specific pathological condition causing male infertility. The present case report attempts to provide an insight into the developmental aspects and surgical importance of this unusual variation.
doi:10.13172/2052-7829-1-3-896 fatcat:lvxhzucfvjaz5fak56pl4ncd5q