Overview of physical dosimetry methods for triage application integrated in the new European network RENEB

F Trompier, C Bassinet, M Baumann, E Bortolin, C Burbidge, C De Angelis, S Della Monaca, P Fattibene, K Rothkamm, R Smith, A Wieser, C Woda
2016 unpublished
RENEB aims to establish a sustainable European network in restrospective dosimetry. A total of 23 organisations from 16 European countries will cooperate to guarantee the highest efficiency in the processing and scoring of biological samples and measurements of mobile phone components for fast, reliable results implemented in the EU emergency management. RENEB involves for the moment 3 laboratories for EPR dosimetry and 5 for TL/OSL dosimetry. At the end of the project, more laboratories would
more » ... e recruited to constitute a network with reinforced measurements capacity. Other types of materials or techniques could also be considered within the RENEB project. Over the last years, the risk of a large scale radiological event has markedly increased. This includes possible accidents in nuclear facilities but also potential terrorist attacks against key facilities or civil targets. In both contexts, retrospective dosimetry is an essential tool to estimate an actual absorbed dose. Thus, individuals, who need extensive medical care due to severe irradiation can be identified among people who have not received high doses of ionizing radiation. In such large-scale radiological scenarios the capacity of single or few retrospective dosimetry laboratories will be overcharged . As a consequence networking has been recognized as a sensible and important element of emergency response strategy. Now a European Network of retrospective dosimetry is on the way to being realized. In addition of biodosimetry techniques, retrospective dosimetry techniques such EPR spectroscopy or luminescence has been considered. These techniques are applied on materials found in mobile phones (LCD glass, touch screen, electronic components) providing possibility of a dose estimation for a large part of the population.
doi:10.13140/rg.2.2.20057.26725 fatcat:b33zpbtuvbgfdk6afts3v23s44