To promote the engineering innovative abilities of undergraduates by taking projects as the guidance and competitions as the promotion

Yishen Xu, Di Wu, Daqing Chen, Jihua Gu, Lei Gao, Xu Liu, Xi-Cheng Zhang
2017 14th Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics: ETOP 2017  
According to the inherent requirements of education for talents' knowledge, quality and comprehensive ability and the major training goals of optoelectronics information science and engineering, in order to enhance the undergraduates' comprehensive practical ability and consciousness of innovation, we carried out the reforms of teaching method and teaching mode, which took the training programs of innovation and entrepreneurship for undergraduates, extracurricular academic research fund,
more » ... sung Scholar" program or research projects of their tutors as the guidance, and took the all levels of relevant discipline competitions as the promotion. And the training mainline of engineering innovation talents as "undergraduate's tutorial system →innovative training program or tutor's research project →academic competition →graduation projects (thesis)" was constructed stage by stage by combining the undergraduates' graduation projects and their participated academic competition into one for improving the quality of the graduation projects (thesis). The practical results of the last several years illuminate that the proposed training model can effectively stimulate the students' awareness of autonomous learning, enhance their comprehensive ability of analyzing and solving problems and improve their ability of engineering practice and innovation as well as their teamwork spirit.
doi:10.1117/12.2266119 fatcat:jsvaxcibfvas3czl7h5h4rbimy