The Concept of Military Law Development in Indonesia

Wahyoedho Indrajit
2021 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Indonesian Legal Studies, ICILS 2020, July 1st 2020, Semarang, Indonesia   unpublished
Military law in force in Indonesia today is a legacy from the Dutch East Indies Colonial Government in the form of Wetboek van Militair Strafrech and Wet op de Krigstucht which currently causes many problems among Soldiers because of the structure, substance and culture of the law based on the law the colonial law system. The concept of military law development in Indonesia is carried out by building structures, culture and substance. The development of law structure refers to institutions that
more » ... form and implement law (law enforcement), the development of law culture refers to assessing and expectations of the military community and the development of the substance of military law is carried out by establishing military law norms, both disciplinary norms law, criminal law, procedural law, military criminal law, military administrative law and military civil law.
doi:10.4108/eai.1-7-2020.2303671 fatcat:mrexbmgsibfu7leasibflsktyq