[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] BioTechnology An Indian Journal The risk element transfer model of electric power industry chain in China

Cunbin Li, Tongtao Ma, Qi Zhang, Pumeng Sun
2014 BTAIJ   unpublished
Electric power industry chain refers to the chain composed by upstream and downstream subjects, which consist of the four segments-electric generation, transmission, attribution, and marketing. At present the main components of electric power industry chain in China incorporate power generation enterprises, power supply enterprises, users, etc. Electric power industry chain mainly composed by these three kinds of enterprises can maintain smooth operation within a certain period. However, if the
more » ... external economic environment changes, such as change of national economic policy, may influence the major components. In addition, if risks of mutation appear in a certain kind of enterprise, it will certainly affect other enterprises in the industry chain. By analyzing the risk element system of electric power industry chain, this paper studies risk element transfer path and establishes the risk element transfer model of electric power industry. KEYWORDS Risk element transfer; Electric power industry; Risk chain. BTAIJ, 10(12) 2014 Tongtao Ma et al. 6195