The Quality of Technical and Vocational Higher Education Environment in the Palestinian Gaza Governorate in Light of Six Sigma Principles and Ways to Improve it
مستوى جودة بيئة التعليم العالي التقني والمهني بمحافظة غزة الفلسطينية في ضوء مبادئ سيجما ستة وسبل تحسينه

Mahmoud Assaf, – وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي الفلسطينية
2018 المجلة العربية لضمان جودة التعليم الجامعي  
The study aimed at identifying the opinions of the students of technical and vocational education colleges in Gaza Governorate regarding the quality of the educational environment in light of Six Sigma principles and to find out if there were statistically significant differences between the average scores of agreement among the students which could be attributed to these variables: sex and type of Secondary School Certificate. To achieve this, the researcher followed the descriptive,
more » ... method by administering a questionnaire consisting of (66) items distributed over (6) dimensions, to the study sample which consisted of (171) male and female students. The sample also included 8 faculty members working in the area of quality assurance. The results showed that the total degree of agreement among the sample was (70.24%) which is high. The dimension of evaluation and follow-up came first with a relative weight of (78.67%). The dimension of human resources came last with a relative weight of (59.73%). The study recommended the formation of a Higher National Committee for Vocational and Technical Education, which aims to coordinate with all institutions concerned to ensure that human resources are utilized as much as possible.
doi:10.20428/ajqahe.11.38.2 fatcat:m5q47q2zqreizeta4efg5cn5um