Vortex viscosity in the moderately clean limit of layered superconductors

M. A. Skvortsov, D. A. Ivanov, G. Blatter
2003 Physical Review B (Condensed Matter)  
We present a microscopic calculation of the energy dissipation in the core of a vortex moving in a two-dimensional or layered superconductor in the moderately clean regime. In this regime, the quasiclassical Bardeen--Stephen result remains valid in spite of the strong correlations between the energy levels. We find that the quasiclassical expression applies both in the limit of fast vortex motion (with transitions between smeared levels) and in the limit of slow vortex motion (with nearly
more » ... tic dynamics). This finding can be related to the similar result known for the unitary random-matrix model.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.67.014521 fatcat:cn2h5kqssnghvf3qo2zib3yafm