Development of Optical System for 50W LED Security Lamp
50W급 LED 보안등용 조명광학계 개발

Byoung-Jo Jung, Sung-Whan Jang, Yong-Gi Roh
2012 Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society  
In this paper, we develop about glare phenomenon at security light caused by light source's straight characteristic, maintaining uniformity ratio of illuminance as high, have long light distribution not by symmetry of rotation but a single axis. we develop second lens for security light that lack of light distribution phenomenon at each of security light can be solved. Our developed light system design satisfies lighting standard of security light's and shape of lens is single lens. so our lens
more » ... optimizes designing or analysis by using lighting design and interpretation program. Making a Mock-up to do real measure, we have intensity of illumination and maintaining uniformity ratio of illuminance measurement data.
doi:10.5762/kais.2012.13.1.296 fatcat:76zxbwrffvemvk4y7bkd2aiuc4