Research Progress on "obesity paradox"

Qifa Chen
2018 Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology  
Obes paradox" refers to the conclusion that obesity is contrary to the original obesity. Obesity may not reduce the survival time of patients, and the risk of death in some chronic diseases is inversely proportional to obesity. Obesity can have some adverse effects on an individual's life and society, but obesity is not completely harmful. Compared with people of normal weight, obese people are more likely to actively receive treatment and try various healthy behaviors. The disadvantages of
more » ... ity are far greater than the benefits. The most reasonable way is to maintain the health of various body types. Its basic concept is that healthy behaviors, including nutrition and physical activity, are more important than weight. At present, there are some studies on "obesity paradox" and research against the theory. Experts and scholars have their own opinions, but no study can accurately define whether the "obesity paradox" is established.
doi:10.23977/aetp.2018.21020 fatcat:4xrpxgs7ofdxlk2l4rm7tsx3ia