Taḥlīl Qaym Aṡ Ṡaqāfah Al Mujtama'iyyah fī Kitāb "Naḥwu-l-Wāḍih" al-lażī allafahu 'Alī Al-Jārimīy Wa Musṭafa Amīn Al-Muaṡṡarah Lī Ta'līmi-l-Lugah Al-'Arabiyyah Li Goiri Nāṭiqīna Bihā

Wahyu Hanafi Putra, Wasilatul Karamah
2018 Lisanudhad Jurnal Bahasa Pembelajaran dan Sastra Arab  
This study aims to analyze the cultural values and its explanations in the book "Naḥwu al-Wāḍiḥ" by Ali Jarim and Musthofa Amin. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Culture is the ideas, the constitution of life, the beliefs and customs of a society. Levi Strauss stated that there are cultural aspects such as artifact, kinesics, proximics, the visual relationship during kinesthesics, custom in society, the values approaches in society, the orthodox approaches in society
more » ... and business, society and the arts, seize the times and the ways of doing, sitting and reverence for others, tolerance, praise, endings, cooperation and dignified behavior. All of which are essential for teaching Arabic. The concept of teaching Arabic occurs at the same period as the beginning of the concept of language. Therefore, it was said that language is a fundamental element of culture. We express culture in language and we cannot speak in language which is isolated from culture. Language is the cultural pot and it is the primary means of expression of culture and hence shows us the relationship between culture and language.
doi:10.21111/lisanudhad.v5i1.1819 fatcat:o5cafzkrdfd2dim2tp2ecoopru