Detection of Coronary Artery Stenoses With Thin-Slice Multi-Detector Row Spiral Computed Tomography and Multiplanar Reconstruction

Dieter Ropers, Ulrich Baum, Karsten Pohle, Katharina Anders, Stefan Ulzheimer, Bernd Ohnesorge, Christian Schlundt, Werner Bautz, Werner G. Daniel, Stephan Achenbach
2003 Circulation  
Background-We analyzed the accuracy of multi-detector row spiral computed tomography (MDCT) using a 16-slice CT scanner with improved spatial and temporal resolution, as well as routine premedication with ␤-blockers for detection of coronary stenoses. Methods and Results-Seventy-seven patients with suspected coronary disease were studied by MDCT (12ϫ0.75-mm cross-sections, 420 ms rotation, 100 mL contrast agent IV at 5 mL/s). Patients with a heart rate above 60/min received 50 mg atenolol
more » ... the scan. In axial MDCT images and multiplanar reconstructions, all coronary arteries and side branches with a diameter of 1.5 mm or more were assessed for the presence of stenoses exceeding 50% diameter reduction. In comparison to invasive coronary angiography, MDCT correctly classified 35 of 41 patients (85%) as having at least 1 coronary stenosis and correctly detected 57 of 78 coronary lesions (73%). After excluding 38 of 308 coronary arteries (left main, left anterior descending, left circumflex, and right coronary artery in 77 patients) classified as unevaluable by MDCT (12%), 57 of 62 lesions were detected, and absence of stenosis was correctly identified in 194 of 208 arteries (sensitivity: 92%; specificity: 93%; accuracy: 93%; positive and negative predictive values: 79% and 97%). Conclusions-MDCT coronary angiography with improved spatial resolution and premedication with oral ␤-blockade permits detection of coronary artery stenoses with high accuracy and a low rate of unevaluable arteries. (Circulation. 2003;107:664-666.)
doi:10.1161/01.cir.0000055738.31551.a9 pmid:12578863 fatcat:iqphmymxszblrfyce2lubt5jqe