American sign language vocabulary

Valerie Henderson-Summet, Kimberly Weaver, Tracy L. Westeyn, Thad E. Starner
2008 Proceedings of the 10th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility - Assets '08  
In this paper we present the results of a study designed to evaluate the computer-based methods of learning American Sign Language (ASL). We describe a method including an initial instruction session along with receptive and generative language tests which were administered after a week-long retention interval. We show a strong correlations (ρ=.62, ρ=.57) between the initial session's instruction and the receptive and generative levels of vocabulary signing. Based on the results of our
more » ... t, we establish a baseline for further exploration of ASL vocabulary acquisition and identify further paths for language based instruction.
doi:10.1145/1414471.1414538 dblp:conf/assets/Henderson-SummetWWS08 fatcat:l64a4nd2qvdvvph2mn7q6ttcii