Retrograde Transport and ATG-4.2-Mediated Maturation Cooperate to Remove Autophagosomes from the Synapse [article]

Sarah E. Hill, Daniel Colón-Ramos
2018 bioRxiv   pre-print
Autophagy is spatially compartmentalized in neurons, with autophagosome biogenesis occurring in the axon and degradation in the cell body. The mechanisms that coordinate autophagosome formation, trafficking and degradation across the polarized structure of the neuron are not well understood. Here we use genetic screens and in vivo imaging in single neurons of C. elegans to demonstrate that specific steps of autophagy are differentially required in distinct subcellular compartments of the
more » ... We demonstrate that completion of autophagosome biogenesis and closure at the synapse are necessary for dynein-mediated retrograde transport. We uncover a role for UNC-16/JIP3/Sunday Driver in facilitating autophagosome retrograde transport. Through forward genetic screens we then determine that autophagosome maturation and degradation in the cell body depend on removal of LGG-1/Atg8/GABARAP from autophagosomes by the protease ATG-4.2. Our studies reveal that regulation of distinct ATG4 proteases contributes to the coordination of autophagy across subcellular regions of the neuron.
doi:10.1101/287144 fatcat:c4ny6nk3g5e2xn4gl4bdkluus4