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Vitézová Eva
2020 Eruditio-Educatio  
Different forms of one fairy tale (comparison of a literary and theatrical version of one fairy tale) Abstract This study deals with the comparison of a literary and theatrical version of the fairy tale The Four Elves and the Fairy written by Ján Uličiansky. Ján Uličiansky is a contemporary Slovak author who is not only writing texts for children and youth but he is also a playwright and a radio dramaturge. The interpretation of the author's fairy tale offers two views on the same text that has
more » ... various sign forms, since the text was also adapted for theatre. Such a view on the above mentioned two forms of one text offers the reader different parallels that are elaborated on in this study.
doi:10.36007/eruedu.2020.2.102-107 fatcat:jl5g4ight5axfm6ijahbnqet6q