Temps, Espace et la Eeprésentation de la Subjectivité Dans les Films de Wong Kar-wai

2006 Contemporanea : Revista de Comunicação e Cultura  
Given the importance of the filmmaker Wong Kar-wai not only in the panorama of the cinema of Hong Kong, but in the contemporary cinematographic production as a whole, this paper proposes an analysis of his work concentrated on the problem of the identity of his characters. What we may call the «wongian subject" can be analyzed through various elements such as the tension between past, present and future, the relationship to public and private space, the changes of the perception of time and
more » ... ry. Another important question that is analyzed is the relationship of the films with the social and political context of contemporary Hong Kong, because the topics of love, loneliness and alienation which invade the protagonists find relation in the transnational character of the Asian cinema and the fusion – often problematic – between Orient and Occident.
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