Determination of coefficient of performance of mechanical vapour recompression heat pump

Slav Valchev, Nenko Nenov, Vasil Georgiev, G.P. Negreanu, N.V. Vlăduţ
2019 E3S Web of Conferences  
Mechanical vapour recompression heat pump systems are widely used in the industry -in evaporator and distillation installations, in seawater desalination and industrial wastewater treatment plants. The estimation of the energy efficiency level of this type of system is based on values of two basic parameters: specific energy consumption for production of 1 kg clean water (condensate) and actual coefficient of performance of heat pump system. The object of study is experimental determination of
more » ... alue of actual coefficient of performance of mechanical vapour recompression heat pump system for wastewater treatment. A mathematical regression equation between the actual coefficient of performance μ and two significant factors – temperature of secondary water vapour tsv and compression ratio of water vapour in mechanical compressor of heat pump system σ is received. The analysis show that actual coefficient of performance μ highly depends of value of compression ratio σ and less depends of values of temperature of secondary vapour tsv. It conclude that MVR heat pump system, in order to operate with high values of the actual coefficient of performance should be working to high values of temperature of secondary vapour and low values of compression ratio of water vapour in mechanical compressor.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/201911201013 fatcat:6fak7swodrawffmr4eapgixgde