Advanced physical coal cleaning to comply with potential air toxic regulations. Quarterly report, 1 March 1995--31 May 1995 [report]

R.Q. Honaker, B.C. Paul, M.K. Mohanty, D. Wang
1995 unpublished
Studies have indicated that the potentially hazardous trace elements found in coal have a strong affinity for coal pyrite. Thus, by maximizing the rejection of pyrite, one can minimize the trace element content of a given coal while also reducing sulfur emissions. The pyrite in most Illinois Basin coals, however, is finely disseminated within the coal matrix. Therefore, to remove the pyrite using physical coal cleaning techniques, the pyrite must be liberated by grinding the coal to ultrafine
more » ... rticle sizes. Fortunately, the coals being fed to pulverized coal boilers (PCB) are already ground to a very fine size, Le., 70% passing 200 mesh. Therefore, this research project will investigate the use of advanced fine coal cleaning technologies for cleaning PCB feed as a compliance strategy. i ' ! .. ' 1 . ; :-6 . . * I -: ~
doi:10.2172/208375 fatcat:6alwljvafvhv5l6fzfnrtigetq