Laplacian Energy of an Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graph

S. Sharief Basha, E. Kartheek
2015 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
Background/Objectives: The concept of Laplacian energy of fuzzy graph is extended to the Laplacian energy of an intuitionistic fuzzy graph. Methods/Statistical Analysis: In this paper, we defined the adjacency matrix of an intuitionistic fuzzy graph and the Laplacian energy of an intuitionistic fuzzy graph is defined in terms of its adjacency matrix. Findings: The lower and upper bound for the energy of an intuitionistic fuzzy graph are also derived and verified with suitable intuitionistic
more » ... y graphs. Application/Improvements: Laplacian spectra of intutionistic fuzzy graphs may reveal more analogous results in the chemical molecules.
doi:10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i33/79899 fatcat:wawroeol7zchxjuywdkfzebram