Production of Collective Action in Alliance-Based Interorganizational Communication and Information Systems

Peter R. Monge, Janet Fulk, Michael E. Kalman, Andrew J. Flanagin, Claire Parnassa, Suzanne Rumsey
1998 Organization science (Providence, R.I.)  
This article presents a public goods-based theory that describes the process of producing multifirm, alliance-based, interorganizational communication and information public goods. These goods offer participants in alliances collective benefits that are (a) rlorrescllrdable, in that they are available to all alliance partners whether or not they have contributed, and (b) jointlv supplied, in that partners' uses of the good are noncompeting. Two
doi:10.1287/orsc.9.3.411 fatcat:zeja2durtrbbfpodnvuwkfjro4