A gripper for handling flat non-rigid materials [chapter]

A. Karakerezis, Z. Doulgeri, V. Petridis
1994 Automation and Robotics in Construction Xi  
This paper deals with the concept, design, construction and experimental results of a gripper dedicated to the handling of flat non-rigid materials (NRMs). A consistent review in end-effector technology for NRMs has been made through this study. Based on a number of functional requirements a gripper is proposed with two moving finger-like attachment points and its performance is assessed experimentally. The final design study and construction of the gripper are presented. A set of experimental
more » ... esults of the gripper's performance and a discussion is provided.
doi:10.1016/b978-0-444-82044-0.50082-5 fatcat:hl2qb4nq6fc4leh2w4pntwukza