The Internet Archive has a preservation copy of this work in our general collections.
The riddle of the rhine: Chemical strategy in peace and war. By Major V. Lefesure, with on introduction by Field-Marshal Sir H. Wilson. Pp. 227. (London: W. Collins, Sons and Co., Ltd. 1921.) Price 10s. 6d. net
Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry
incrcnscd in vnlrio to $620,378 and CGlG,499, rcspcctircly, tho lnttcr incrcaso being duo cntircly to liiglicr priccs. Of tho imports tho Unitcd States st~pplicd M'3 por cent., ngainst 31.3 per cent. in 19I+; tho shnro of tho Unitcd Kingdom lins dcclincd during tlint pcriod from ncnrly 40 to 31 per ccnt. I)cs iito tho prcfcrciitinl tnriff of 335 per ccnt. on goods q f Empiro ni:inuf:icturc, tlio Unitcd Stntcs