Numb chin: A simple sign of a catastrophic illness

Catarina R. Oliveira, Ana C. Cabral, Ana P. Oliveira, Maria I. Seixas, Rui André, Cláudia Martins, Jorge M. Correia, Luís Costa-Matos, A. Monteiro
2015 Case Reports in Internal Medicine  
The sensory neuropathy of the mental nerve (Numb Chin Syndrome-NCS) is a rare neurological condition which is often associated with malignancy, as a sentinel clinical presentation. The most common primary tumours related to it are lymphoma and breast cancer. In the clinical case presented, the patient in question had no previous neoplastic history and it was due to this symptom that the investigation was carried out. Therefore, with this research, it is intended to create awareness to the fact
more » ... hat while in most cases NCS can be underestimated, it is a sign that can be extremely important and in fact reveal a hidden tumour. The case is of utter importance because early recognition of this type of signs are fundamental for timely diagnosis and treatment impacting on the patient's outcome.
doi:10.5430/crim.v3n1p21 fatcat:ncasz2fefjdn7fhaotesnjrmry