Labor Saving Soap

1849 Scientific American  
MaClhlne "o r Itfpklng the (Jopper Typ e. i alily ; the type is struck or pu n ched a t th e lated by the admission of air at tbe top of the Ntw Jntltntiong. Improvements In Steam Bolle ... . Messrs. W. N. and Al i llzor Clark, of Ches ter, Ct., have taken lll t'asures to �ecure ap a ient, for an improveme nt made by them in steam boilers, which consists \D increasing the heating surface of the boiler invelSely by decreasing the quantity of water in the boiler but keeping up the same surface of
more » ... ex posure to the heat. Thi8 is d on e by an interior di · viding log, which answers at the same time to prevent incrll�tations. The boiler on which the improvement has been made, is stated to have been in use for some time, and given the most saltsfactory results. New Railroad (Jar (Joupun •• Messrs. Crawford & Grew, of the North Western Railroad Line, (Eng.) have inve nterl a
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican08111849-372f fatcat:tnjxspb6frevhei3lpdv2rprwy