The Development of Multimedia and Activities to Promote Products Made by State Enterprise Communities in the Bangmod Project 4.0 Through Community-Based Learning

Kuntida Thamwipat, Pornpapatsorn Princhankol, Naphat Deeyen
2019 International Education Studies  
This research was aimed to explore the demands of the people in the communities in order to develop multimedia and activities to promote products made by state enterprise communities in the Bangmod Project 4.0 through Community-Based Learning among undergraduate students of King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, to examine the perception and the satisfaction of the local people regarding the multimedia and activities, to evaluate the work and to determine the satisfaction of the
more » ... nts towards Community-Based Learning. The tools in this study consisted of 1) the questionnaire on the demands of the local people regarding the multimedia and activities, 2) the multimedia and activities to promote products made by the state enterprise communities in Bangmod Project 4.0 which included offline and online contents as well as special activities, 3) the quality evaluation forms in terms of contents and media presentation, 4) the perception survey form, 5) the satisfaction questionnaire for the local people, 6) the self-evaluation form for students, and 7) the satisfaction questionnaire for students towards the community-based learning. There were two sampling groups as in 1) 22 local people out of 4 state enterprise communities which participated in Bangmod Project 4.0 and they were purposively chosen for this research, 2) 30 undergraduate students who enrolled in the ETM 358 Marketing Communications course which followed the community-based learning approach and these students were purposively chosen out of those who went to the field at least 4 times. The research results showed that the local people in the state enterprise communities expressed a level of demands on the multimedia and activities to promote their products for online and offline media as well as special activities. They wanted to promote 12 products. The quality of the multimedia and activities as evaluated by the experts in contents showed that the quality was at a very good level (x ̅ = 4.67, S.D. = 0.20). The quality of the media presentation was at a very good level (x ̅ = 4.87, S.D. = 0.24). The perception level of the local people about the multimedia and activities was at a high level (x ̅ = 4.41, S.D. = 0.18) and the local people expressed the highest level of satisfaction towards the multimedia and activities (x ̅ = 4.80, S.D. = 0.79). The students rated themselves at a very good level (83.72%) and their satisfaction towards the community-based learning was at the highest level (x ̅ = 4.77, S.D. = 0.24). It can be concluded that the multimedia and activities to promote products made by state enterprise communities in Bangmod Project 4.0 through Community-Based Learning were of good quality and they could be used to promote the products of the local communities.
doi:10.5539/ies.v12n4p49 fatcat:7jrycjk4ynf7xchvtdhtf73b3y