Abundance, occurrence, and seasonality of the Subtropical Doradito (Pseudocolopteryx acutipennis) on the coast of Brazil

Marcos R. Bornschein, Bianca L. Reinert, Tiago Machado-de-Souza, Claudia Golec, Bret M. Whitney, Mario Arthur Favretto
2017 The Wilson Journal of Ornithology  
Leisure express in the space an economic dynamics and an urbanization with specificities that is directly related to the seasonal characteristics of areas intended for this purpose. This work carried out with the objective to bring some contribution in order to better understand the nature of the relationships and interaction spaces established in the specialized areas for leisure activities and tourism, from the analysis of the functioning and dynamics of the Service Sector. The research had
more » ... e following methodological procedures: survey data in bodies and governmental institutions; survey and georeferencing of commercial establishments and services; mapping of establishments; conducting interviews with entrepreneurs of commercial and service sectors. We conclude that although areas being addressed are different from each other as regards the aspects of population and socioeconomic factors, they feature an urban dynamics very similar, due to the flexibility of the flows and fixed, which are governed by the seasonal characteristics of specialized areas for recreation. As a result, we have a coastal urbanization, linear, fragmented and flexible, due to the flexibility of the flows (tourists and users of second leisure real estate) and fixed uses (commercial establishments and services).
doi:10.1676/1559-4491-129.1.199 fatcat:g6x4irkwujf6dbh7seszztovsq