Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effects of Salvia officinalis L. Hydroalcoholic Extract in Male Rats

Khakpour Shahrzad, Najari Mahya, Tokazabani Belasei Fatemeh, Khosravi Maryam, Farhadi Belasei Mohammadreza, Mahsa Hadipour Jahromy
2014 Chinese Medicine  
The antioxidant effects of Salvia officinalis L. hydroalcoholic extract and also its hepatoprotective effects in male rats were evaluated. Salvia officinalis L. extract was administered intraperitoneally for 28 days. Serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine transferase and alkaline phosphates in rats coadministered with both isoniazid (INH) 50 mg/kg and Salvia officinalis L. extract at 250 mg/kg showed significant reduction when compared to INH group, but administration of Salvia
more » ... cinalis L. extract 250 mg/kg alone and with INH has alleviated gamma-glutamyl transferase comparing to INH receiving rats. After treatment of rats with INH 50mg/kg, severe tissue necrosis, and inflammation of central vein in liver and lymphocyte proliferation were observed; in the experimental group receiving Salvia officinalis L. extract (250 mg/kg) mild dilution in central vein and sinusoids in liver were seen. In rats coadministered with Salvia officinalis L. extract 250 mg/kg and INH low sinusoids dilution was indicated. It seems that Salvia officinalis L. extract exhibited anti-oxidative and hepatoprotective effects.
doi:10.4236/cm.2014.52016 fatcat:epzvjfi3afcqleaxjguukynyoi