Dog Meat in Korea: A Socio-Legal Challenge

Rakhyun Kim
2008 Social Science Research Network  
This article explores the dog meat debate in Korea from a socio-legal perspective. It first examines the legal status of dogs and dog meat, and the legal protection for dogs under the old and new legislative frameworks. It then discusses socio-legal challenges to banning dog meat in the Korean context, employing examples of both legal approaches taken by other countries and the politics of dog meat in Korea, specifically. The article argues that the controversy over dog meat must be reframed
more » ... dog meat be socially redefined in order to protect dogs, which are currently caught in the conflict over their socio-legal status as companion and livestock animals.
doi:10.2139/ssrn.1325574 fatcat:ms7pjhbrkbdevnry2r4hidvgxu