Beyond Constructivism: Autonomy-Oriented Education [chapter]

Aharon Aviram
2000 Conflicting Philosophies of Education in Israel/Palestine  
This paper reviews Constructivism and the sources of its influence over Israeli educational discourse. Then, it describes examples of Constructivists projects in the teaching of sciences and technology in Israel (Sela, Media Plus), as well as a project that is based on the Constructivist approach to teaching (Together), and several Constructivist experimental schools, followed by a summary of the obstacles to the implementation of such projects. Next, it stresses two basic flaws in the
more » ... ivist view and introduces a post-constructivist educational paradigm, the Autonomy Oriented Education (AOE), which uses 'reflection on experiments in living' as its major tool and aims to enable the development of autonomous, belonging and moral individuals.
doi:10.1007/978-94-017-1137-1_7 fatcat:hfnnmx4rqfc2nbrfy3l3uu42fq