ALICE Masterclass on strangeness

Panagiota Foka, Małgorzata Janik, L. Bravina, Y. Foka, S. Kabana
2014 EPJ Web of Conferences  
An educational activity, the International Particle Physics Masterclasses, was developed by the International Particle Physics Outreach Group with the aim to bring the excitement of cutting-edge particle-physics research into the classroom. Thousands of pupils, every year since 2005, in many countries all over the world, are hosted in research centers or universities close to their schools and become "scientists for a day" as they are introduced to the mysteries of particle physics. The program
more » ... of a typical day includes lectures that give insight to topics and methods of fundamental research followed by a "hands-on" session where the high-school students perform themselves measurements on real data from particle-physics experiments. The last three years data from the ALICE experiment at LHC were used. The performed measurement "strangeness enhancement" and the employed methodology are presented. a
doi:10.1051/epjconf/20147100057 fatcat:7z3xhsr7nfabvneccqsno6s34i