Soluciones tecnológicas a problemáticas sociales y ciudadanas. El caso de los Retos Cívicos y Públicos en México

2017 Education in the Knowledge Society  
This paper describes the process of civic innovation that, based on technological solutions and open initiatives, the civic society's organization Codeando México suggests for the attention and solution of social and civic problems in Mexico. The Retos Cívicos (Civic Challenges) and Retos Públicos (Public Challenges) initiatives are addressed and described as experiences of innovation in the implementation of technological strategies for the solution of social and civic problems. A reflection
more » ... made on the civic appropriation of the ICTs and its irruption in the processes of innovation, as well as on the impact that the ICTs have in the conformation of a new civic ecosystem. Last, the strategies of Hacking cívico (Civic Hacking) and Comunidades Cívicas (Civic Communities) that the Codeando México organization promotes as a model for the linkage and civic participation within the frame of civic innovation, are mentioned.
doi:10.14201/eks2017181101117 fatcat:ge7gjjb3vrg3nmuw422squs5my