Study of the Cyperaceae of Tennessee

J Underwood, J Underwood
1931 unpublished
BEES. -lees von Eaenbeck11 Christian Gottfried. Pm.s. -Per soon 11 Christian Henr1k. POIR •. -Polret, Jean Louis �arie. or the fanrteen cyperaeeoua genera known to be repre sented in Tennessee, the wri ter has himself' col lec ted eleven. Be baa found and collected 63 of the 146 specie a reported tar the State. His own collection and many other sheets are on flle at The University or Tenneseee Depart ment � Bota ny . In The University or Tennessee herbarium there are approximately 200 sheets or
more » ... specimens or the Cyperaceae that have been collected in the State. over half of the specimens were collected by A. Gat t1 nger . Additions by the author number. si xty-three different species. Four species, namely, Carex eburnea, Care.x !!!! bellata, Oarex misera, and Czmop!Vllus Fraser! , have been added to the lis t of species previously known to occur in Tennessee. The several manuals, texts and papers cited in the bibliography appended furnished valuable information. The herba rium ot The University ot Tennessee also has been in dispensable to the author. The keys presented 1n this paper have their folmda tions in G ray 's Jfanual ed. '1• 1908, and Britton and Brown, Illustrated Flora Vol. 1, 191�. However, many changes were made in order to simplify identification of dirficult specific entities. The keys are designed to assist in the 1dentif'1cation ot 86 species ot Car e.x, 20 speci es of Cyperus, 9 species ot Fleocharis , 12 s pecies of Scirpua, 8 specie s of Ryne h ospora, 2 of Eriophorum, 2 ot Seleria, 3 ot F1mbr1sty11a, and one each of Hemicar�ha , Kyllinga, Dul1-ch1um, Dichromena, Cymopbyllu.s, and stenoph. yllus . Following each or tbe keys ia an annotated list of the species. The annotatio ns include a synonomy of the binomial as well as the valid name, the origina l citation, the common name (it any� the habitat, the time of fruition. the range, the place and date ot collection , and by Whom collected. Previous Inves� sa tio� Contrihutions .to our knowledge and collec tion of Tennessee C'rperaceous pl<tnts have been made by a number of botanists, namely;