The Way Things Work: Procedures, Processes, and Institutional Records

Elizabeth Yakel, Francis Blouin, Nancy Bartlett
1996 The American Archivist  
This paper looks at the writings of selected organizational theorists and how they reflect or contradict diplomatic principles, particularly the concept of genese or process. The potential contributions of organizational theorists to archival theory and management are discussed. Specifically, processes are examined both as standard operating procedures that can easily be articulated and as work practices that evolve over time and often defy explanation. Finally, the relationships between
more » ... es, records, and recordkeeping systems are explored along with issues of accountability and organizational culture. It is argued that a more sophisticated view of organizational processes can change the interpretative context and thus alter archivists' understanding of the role of records and recordkeeping systems in organizations.
doi:10.17723/aarc.59.4.c1545152u4218314 fatcat:apbj6jgmjbdj7l5t7inj7vfpvy