Design Strategies for Optically-Accessible, High-Temperature, High-Pressure Reactor [report]

S. F. Rice, R. R. Steeper, C. A. LaJeunesse, R. G. Hanush, J. D. Aiken
2000 unpublished
Characterization of sugar-response mutants. To identi~the factors involved in regulating plant sugar responses, and to determine the effects of disrupting this type of regulation, we have isolated two groups of sugar-response mutants from Arabidopsis thaliana. Prior to the start of the work funded by this grant, we screened several thousand EMS-mutagenized Arabidopsis plants for those that fail to regulate Ib.rnylase production in response to sugar. Five reduced 13amylase (ram) mutants were
more » ... tified using this screen. We also screened mutagenized Arabidopsis for plants that are insensitive to the sugar-mediated inhibition of early shoot development. Nineteen sugar-insensitive (sis) mutants were identified using this screen.
doi:10.2172/758133 fatcat:ygxta4qwubh7nagt25w24wfr3e