Evitapp: Persuasive Application for Physical Activity and Smoking Cessation

Antonio Bascur, Pedro Rossel, Valeria Herskovic, Claudia Martínez-Carrasco
2018 Proceedings (MDPI)  
The most important risk factors for cardiovascular health are smoking and a sedentary lifestyle. This paper proposes Evitapp, a mobile application designed to promote physical activity and smoking cessation. The application does not use additional tracking devices, rather relying on phone sensors to track physical activity, and on users logging their behavior. Nineteen users tested the application over 10 days. Participants found the applications easy to use and used them approximately once per
more » ... day. Even though the habits of the experiment participants did not change significantly, those who used the smoking cessation application reported decreasing their smoking habit.
doi:10.3390/proceedings2191208 fatcat:34ap7nbis5b35dlrnomm6f3sue