Minimal abdominal incisions
João Carlos Magi, Bruna Fernandes dos Santos, Lucas Rodrigues Boarini, Pietro Dadalto de Oliveira, Galdino José Sitonio Formiga
Journal of Coloproctology
Minimal incision surgery Minilaparotomy Minimally invasive procedures Transit reconstruction a b s t r a c t Minimally invasive procedures aim to resolve the disease with minimal trauma to the body, resulting in a rapid return to activities and in reductions of infection, complications, costs and pain. Minimally incised laparotomy, sometimes referred to as minilaparotomy, is an example of such minimally invasive procedures. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility and utility of
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... aparotomy with minimal incision based on the literature and exemplifying with a case. The case in question describes reconstruction of the intestinal transit with the use of this incision. Male, young, HIV-positive patient in a late postoperative of ileotiflectomy, terminal ileostomy and closing of the ascending colon by an acute perforating abdomen, due to ileocolonic tuberculosis. The barium enema showed a proximal stump of the right colon near the ileostomy. The access to the cavity was made through the orifice resulting from the release of the stoma, with a lateral-lateral ileo-colonic anastomosis with a 25 mm circular stapler and manual closure of the ileal stump. These surgeries require their own tactics, such as rigor in the lysis of adhesions, tissue traction, and hemostasis, in addition to requiring surgeon dexterity -but without the need for investments in technology; moreover, the learning curve is reported as being lower than that for videolaparoscopy. Laparotomy with minimal incision should be considered as a valid and viable option in the treatment of surgical conditions. © 2017 Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. on behalf of Sociedade Brasileira de Coloproctologia. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:// Incisões abdominais mínimas Palavras-chave: Cirurgia com incisão mínima Minilaparotomia Procedimentos minimamente invasivos Reconstrução de trânsito r e s u m o Procedimentos minimamente invasivos visam resolver a doença com o mínimo de trauma ao organismo, resultando em retorno rápido às atividades, reduç ões nas infecç ões, complicaç ões, custos e na dor. A laparotomia com incisão mínima, algumas vezes referida como minilaparotomia, é um exemplo desses procedimentos minimamente invasivos. O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar a viabilidade e utilidade das laparotomias com incisão