Economic Evaluation of High-Strength Steel for Structural Member Types in Building Structures
부재 종류에 따른 고강도 강재의 경제성 평가

In Ho Kim, So Hoon Cho, Jong Ho Kim, Chul Woo Lee
2013 Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea  
The structural steel produced in domestic is classified into 5 grades. For economic structural design, the structural engineers need to choose optimal steel grades for structural member types, but the related data is not sufficient. Recently, high strength steel with yield strength in 650MPa was developed in domestic. It provides structural engineers with the wider range of structural steel strength, which leads to the larger difference in economic evaluation. In this paper, the economic
more » ... ion of high-strength steel in building structures is investigated, by applying structural steel with 235MPa, 325MPa and 650MPa in yield strength to various types of structural members, and can be used as basic data for economic structural design.
doi:10.7734/coseik.2013.26.2.113 fatcat:v6mztn5xobg3homaprfpwzz33e