Valutazione della costruzione della conoscenza nell'interazione via web-forum degli insegnanti di lingue straniere in formazione

Paolo Celentin, Marilena Da Rold
The great pedagogical potential of ITC has not yet been fully explored, at least in Italy. We believe that evaluation tools of learning outcomes and a concrete methodology easily available to those who work in the field are still a desideratum. Teachers and learners do need clear guidance to direct efforts, and reach course aims. In this papers, we will address the evaluation of students' different levels of critical thinking and building of knowledge within a virtual learning environment. We
more » ... all discuss a case study regarding distance training for teachers of Italian as a second language. Our methodology is based upon the model of content analysis proposed by Garrison D.R., Anderson T., Archer W. (2001), known as the Practical Inquiry and developed by the Canadian research group within the theoretical approach related to the creation and working of a Community of Inquiry. The analysis is carried out on 3 webforums of the Master Itals. The results of the content analysis allow us to put forward additional considerations on planning, evaluating and managing an on-line training course for language teachers. We will focus in particular on the role of on-line tutors and their preparation. Furthermore, it is envisaged that this analysis may shade light on new analytical tools departing from the methodology we adopt
doi:10.20368/1971-8829/660 fatcat:r2cvrzvfhrbxdbctauw5qahkyu