Ameloblastoma of the maxilla : Report of a case

Yoshitaka SHIBATA, Seiji KITAYAMA, Tohru NAGAO, Yutaka UNO, Toshihiko KAWAI, Hajime ODA, Shigeru YAMADA
1987 Japanese Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery  
Ameloblastoma is one of the odontogenics tumor which is encountered frequently. The ameloblastoma originates chiefly in the mandibula, rarely in the maxilla. We encountered one ameloblastoma of the maxilla that grew from a right second premolar to a left canine, and was about 4. 5 •~ 3. 0 •~ 4. 0 cm. According to the WHO classification, the tumor was classified histopathologically for an acanthomatous type. There was no recurrence four years post-operatively.
doi:10.5794/jjoms.33.105 fatcat:23rvj5gbujgvzeloixtzm7rdb4