The reliability of pattern-match searching for the fragment on image using set of pseudo-gradient procedures

Linar Sh. Biktimirov, Alexandr G. Tashlinskii
2017 Image Processing, Geoinformation Technology and Information Security   unpublished
The effectiveness of pattern-match searching for the fragment on image using set of pseudo-gradient procedures covering all initial image by their workplaces is studied. Procedures control is managed to reduce computational expenses and based on analysis of penalty function and giving priority of making next iteration to procedure that has minimum value of penalty. It is considered that required fragment belongs to the domain that has a procedure which is reached prescribed limit of iterations.
more » ... If it is prior unknown if there is any required fragments on the initial image, the hypothesis of their absence should be tested. If the hypothesis is not confirmed than the scan for domains with fragments should be performed. Concerning there are fragments on the image the missing probabilities are found using penalty function and limit of iterations. Herein, the proposal is considered for single and multiple required fragments.
doi:10.18287/1613-0073-2017-1901-28-31 fatcat:4336by66xrhsjontb6mri4l5y4