International symposium of junior neuroscience investigators (ISJNI19) UPM, 25-27 April, 2019 (Part-III)
Lahcen Tamegart, Abdellatif Abbaoui, Abdelaati EL Khiat, My Mustapha Bouyatas, Halima Gamrani
Journal of Systems and Integrative Neuroscience
Lead (Pb) is a metal element released into the atmosphere and a major source of environmental contamination. The accumulation and concentration of this metal in a food web may lead to the intoxication of the body, more precisely, the nervous system (NS). In addition, Pb-exposure can cause structural and functional disruption of the NS. Studies have shown that Pb-exposure could be a risk factor in the development of Parkinson's disease (PD). The latter is related to dopaminergic deficiency that
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... ay be triggered by genetic and environmental factors such as Pb intoxication. Our study will focus on the negative effects of oxidative stress on the brain of meriones shawi, since it is the organ most exposed to the oxidation due to the high phospholipid content of neuronal membranes and the link existing with the development of neurodegenerative pathologies such as PD. Also, we have evaluated, in one hand, the neurotoxic effect of Pb (25 mg / kg B.W i.p) for three consecutive days on dopaminergic system and locomotor performance in Merione shawi. In the other hand, the possible antioxidant effect and restorative potential of C. sativus (CS) (50 mg / kg BW) by oral gavage. The immunohistochemical approach has revealed that Pb-intoxicated Meriones show a significant increase of Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) levels within the Substantia Nigra compacta (SNc), Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA), Locus Coeruleus (LC), Dorsal Striatum (DS) and Medial Forebrain Bundle (MFB), unlike the control meriones, a group intoxicated and treated with Crocus sativus hydroethanolic extract (CSHEE) and treated group by CSHEE. Treatment with CSHEE, has shown a real potential to prevent all Pb-induced damages. In fact, restores the TH levels by 92%, 90%, 88%, 90% and 93% in SNc, VTA, LC, DS and MFB respectively, similarly, locomotor activity dysfunction in Pb-intoxicaed meriones was reinstated by 90%. In this study, we have revealed a new pharmacological potential of Crocus sativus that can be used as a neuroprotective product for neurodegenerative disorders, especially, which implying dopaminergic and noradrenergic injuries, like PD, trigged by heavy metals. Lead (Pb) is a metal element released into the atmosphere and a major source of environmental contamination. The accumulation and concentration of this metal in a food web may lead to the intoxication of the body, more precisely, the nervous system (NS). In addition, Pb-exposure can cause structural and functional disruption of the NS. Studies have shown that Pb-exposure could be a risk factor in the development of Parkinson's disease (PD). The latter is related to dopaminergic deficiency that may be triggered by genetic and environmental factors such as Pb intoxication. Our study will focus on the negative effects of oxidative stress on the brain of meriones shawi, since it is the organ most exposed to the oxidation due to the high phospholipid content of neuronal membranes and the link existing with the development of neurodegenerative pathologies such as PD. Also, we have evaluated, in one hand, the neurotoxic effect of Pb (25 mg / kg B.W i.p) for three consecutive days on noradrinergic system and locomotor performance in Merione shawi. In the other hand, the immunohistochemical approach has revealed that Pb-intoxicated Meriones show a significant increase of Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) levels within the Locus Coeruleus (LC), unlike the control meriones, locomotor activity dysfunction in Pb-intoxicaed meriones was observed. In this study, we have revealed a new potential of lead neurotoxicity that can be involved in the physiopathology of neurodegenerative disorders, especially, which implying noradrenergic injuries, like PD, trigged by heavy metals.