2016 Issues in Information Systems  
Because the end user is widely recognized as the weakest link in computer security, educating users on cybersecurity is essential for fortifying systems and networks against attacks. Security training and instruction are important not only to meet the current demands of securing systems, but also to prepare students for employment in their respective fields. As employees, these college graduates will have access to critical enterprise data in order to perform their daily tasks; without proper
more » ... struction they could be unknowingly putting the data at risk. Yet for business data analytics graduates the level of cybersecurity training falls higher than that for the average user yet lower than that of the security technology specialist. To address the need for the proper level of security training for these soon-to-be data scientists, this study describes an initiative to achieve both goals in a unique approach, that of distributing the proper level of security training and instruction across all courses instead of in a single, high-level security course. This study details the efforts of an undergraduate Business Data Analytics program to distribute appropriate-level cybersecurity instruction and training across the required curriculum. The implementation steps are explained along with a discussion of the initial results.
doi:10.48009/2_iis_2016_123-134 fatcat:gksgh5mvzjgpzjzzfngmqwecry