Okanagan Charter : An international charter for health promoting universities & colleges

International Conference On Health Promoting Universities & Colleges (7th : 2015 : Kelowna, (B.C.))
A new international charter, an outcome of the 2015 International Conference on Health Promoting Universities and Colleges / VII International Congress, signals a challenge to universities and colleges to create healthier campuses and healthier communities. People from 45 countries drafted the Charter, an indication of a global desire to confront increasingly complex issues related to the health, well being and sustainability of people and the planet. The Okanagan Charter puts higher education
more » ... t the forefront of this movement. Conference delegates committed to take the Charter back to their countries and organizations to mobilize health promotion action locally and globally.
doi:10.14288/1.0132754 fatcat:5pkhsvix45fxbe4l5kdaj5sceq