Cross product kernels for fuzzy set similarity

Jorge Guevara, Roberto Hirata, Stephane Canu
2017 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE)  
We present a new kernel on fuzzy sets: the cross product kernel on fuzzy sets which can be used to estimate similarity measures between fuzzy sets with a geometrical interpretation in terms of inner products. We show that this kernel is a particular case of the convolution kernel and it generalizes the widely-know kernel on sets towards the space of fuzzy sets. Moreover, we show that the cross product kernel on fuzzy sets performs an embedding of probability measures into a reproduction kernel
more » ... ilbert space. Finally, we experimentally show the applicability of this kernel on a supervised classification task on noisy datasets.
doi:10.1109/fuzz-ieee.2017.8015459 dblp:conf/fuzzIEEE/GuevaraHC17 fatcat:sygm72xnrbc4zdhdlenkhcay3m