Consumer Typology and Online Travel Websites

Hong Youl Ha, Felix Mavondo, Siva Muthaly
2009 Asia Marketing Journal  
This research attempts to investigate differences in past experiences of using internet in repurchasing. In doing so, the authors identify online consumer characteristics, particularly one-time and repeat users comparison across geographical borders of Korean and Taiwanese teenage customers. Results show that there are significant differences in online shopping typologies between Korean and Taiwanese customers. While attitude serves as a distinguishing factor for both data sets along the other
more » ... wo dimensions, trust does not. Since researchers have focused on comparisons between Western cultures and Asian cultures' online purchase behavior or Internet use, the current study provides a valuable comparison for this niche population of young customers at least in a Korean-Taiwanese context. The authors also make a brief argument that these findings can influence marketing practitioners and site developers in their strategies.
doi:10.53728/2765-6500.1239 fatcat:cyld7ksbmfcl3l6kzi3wmff4ti