Analysis of Students' Reflective Journals on Medical Communication Role Plays
의료면담 역할극 사례의 학습자 성찰일지 분석

Young Jon Kim, Seung Hyun Lee, Hyo Hyun Yoo
2017 Korean Medical Education Review  
This study explores the phenomenon of learner reflection in writing. Sixty-nine reflection logs were submitted by students after medical interview role plays. Using thematic analysis methodology, the following three steps were carried out: (1) the entire contents of the logs were analyzed and coded, (2) the coded contents were reclassified and categorized into higher themes, and (3) all reflection logs were re-analyzed to derive the frequency according to their classifications. The learners'
more » ... lection contents were classified into 'preparation,' 'experience,' and 'future plan.' The levels of reflection were 'simple information and appreciation,' 'acquisition and application of knowledge,' and 'analysis and criticism.' The types of reflection were identified only at the level of 'analysis and criticism' and could be classified into 'relativization,' 'objectification,' and 'internalization.' Students' reflection levels were highest in the levels of 'acquisition and application of knowledge' (49.3%), and 'analysis and criticism' (37.7%). A total of 14.5% of the students showed 'internalization.' In order to enable internalized reflection at a critical level, instructional strategies to induce and promote reflection are needed.
doi:10.17496/kmer.2017.19.3.169 fatcat:b3e7quvlwbanbexna46qlum7cq