Effectiveness evaluation of facilities protecting from hydrogen-air explosion overpressure

Yurii Skob
2020 Figshare  
Three-dimensional mathematical model of hydrogen release, dispersion and detonation is developed. The process is described by gas dynamics differential equations completed by conservation laws of mixture components. It is assumed that instantaneous explosion takes place in the volume where hydrogen concentration is between the ignition limits. The model takes into account turbulent diffusion and an influence of excess air ratio on combustion products parameters. Predicted detonation history and
more » ... spatial overpressure distribution is used to estimate the effec- tiveness of different types of safety facilities mitigating negative effects of explosion of hydrogen released as a re- sult of instantaneous destruction of high pressure cylinders at fueling station.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.11586438.v1 fatcat:gwcnzwjpnjagng345ig3ktalmu