The Use of Ergonomic Features in Assistive Technology with Children with Fine Motor Delays

Nancy Morris
2017 unpublished
The purpose of this study is to explore the use of ergonomically designed assistive technology with children with fine motor delays. This is an exploratory study based on direct observation of children participating in a fine motor activity in a natural setting. This study specifically targets students who have a diagnosis of autism as well as a fine motor delay. The variable targeted for investigation was individual child engagement. Momentary Time Sampling was used to measure and rate student
more » ... engagement while coloring. Researcher observed students coloring in baseline and treatment conditions with a typical crayon and with an adapted crayon over the course of nine sessions. Researcher analyzed average levels of student engagement and differences in engagement levels from baseline ratings to average. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed descriptively within the results. This study fills a gap in research regarding the use of ergonomic design in assistive technology and its influence on student engagement.