XNAgent: Authoring Embodied Conversational Agents for Tutor-User Interfaces

Andrew Onley
2013 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education  
Embodied conversational agents are virtual characters that engage users in conversation with appropriate speech, gesture, and facial expression. The high cost of developing embodied conversational agents has led to a recent increase in open source agent platforms. In this paper, we present XNAgent, an open source platform for embodied conversational agents based on the XNA Framework. By leveraging the high-level class structure of the XNA Framework, XNAgent provides a compact implementation
more » ... is suitable both as a starting point for the development of a more advanced system and as a teaching tool for AI curricula. In this paper we describe how we created an embodied conversational agent in XNA using skeletal and morph animation, motion capture, and event-driven animation and how this process can facilitate the use of embodied conversational agents in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring.
dblp:conf/aied/Onley13 fatcat:zcanffx6enavxct4bsrdgu57am